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IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023 (Dec): Dates, Application Form

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission
IIIT Delhi PhD Admission

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023 (Dec) – Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi invites application for PhD admission for the academic session 2023-24 (Dec Session).

Check full details on IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023 (Dec) below here

IIIT Delhi PhD Programs

  • Computational Biology (CB)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
  • Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE)
  • Human-Centered Design (HCD)
  • Mathematics (Maths)
  • Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

Research Areas

Computational Biology
DepartmentResearch Areas
CBSystems and mathematical biology of biological networks, metabolic network modeling
CBAI for ICUs, Bioinformatics
CBMetabolic Engineering/ Chemogenomics/ AI in Drug Design
CBComputational diagnostics and therapeutics/ HPC for life science projects
Computer Science and Engineering
DepartmentResearch Areas
CSENetworked systems
CSETheoretical Computer Science, Graph Theory, Algorithms
CSECompilers, Operating systems
CSEQuantum Computing
CSEHuman-Centered AI (HCAI), HCI, Virtual/Mixed Reality
CSEGraphics, AI in graphics
CSEInformation Management, AI for Data Integration
CSEDistributed Machine Learning
CSEProvable Algorithms for Machine Learning
CSENatural Language Processing
CSEML for Speech and Audio Applications
CSEHuman-AI Interaction, Human-LLM Interaction
CSEAlgorithms/Computational Geometry
CSEMultimedia and Vision, Machine Learning
CSENetworks and Systems Security
CSEAutonomous Driving in India
Electronics and Communications Engineering
DepartmentResearch Areas
ECEWireless Communication & System, Machine Learning for Wireless Systems, RF sensing
ECEAI/DL/ML in Cancer Imaging;AI/DL/ML in Cardiology;AI/DL/ML in Genomics
ECEMachine learning for Control systems and Robotics
ECENanoelectronics, Spintronics
ECERF microelectronics, Metamaterial/Metasurface
ECENanoelectronics, Machine Learning in VLSI Design
ECECommunication and Information Theory
ECERadar, communications, navigation
ECESynthetic aperture radar
ECEEstimation and control for space robotics
ECENeural Networks on Optical Networks, Advanced Optica Comm Testbed
ECEQuantum Key Distribution
ECEWireless Networking for Robotic Applications (Industry 4.0, Vehicle-to-vehicle, V2X, Teleoperation, etc.)
ECEEnd-to-End Autonomous Driving
ECESingle photon detector, All-optical transistor
ECEOnline Machine Learning, Adaptive Control, Networked Robotics
ECENon-terrestrial networks (satelite, UAVs) and 5G/6G wireless communication
ECEMultimedia and Vision, Machine Learning
DepartmentResearch Areas
MathematicsPartial Differential Equations
MathematicsOptimization for Machine Learning
MathematicsNumber Theory
MathematicsApplied and Computational Mathematics
MathematicsAlgebraic Geometry
MathematicsComputational Geometry, Shape Analysis
MathematicsFunctional Analysis, Differential Geometry
MathematicsFunction Theory, Operator Theory
MathematicsNumber Theory
MathematicsApplied and Computational Mathematics
MathematicsTheoretical Deep Learning
MathematicsGraph Theory, Algorithms
Social Sciences and Humanities (Philosophy, Communication, Governance and Politics)
DepartmentResearch Areas
SSHTheoretical/Empirical Industrial Organization (Merger policy, endogenous product differentiation, platform markets, mixed oligopoly)
SSHSocial and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Ethics in AI
SSHSTS, Visual Culture, Media Studies, Political anthropology and violence, topics in social and cultural anthropology
SSHGame Theory, Decision Theory
SSHGender, Violence Studies, Digital Ethnography, Sociology of Northeast India
SSHUrban Politics, Urban Theory, Smart Cities, Political Theory and Democracy
SSHAgricultural and Resource Economics, Development Policy
SSHPolitical Economy, Game Theory, Development Economics
SSHAffective Cognitive Neuroscience
SSHCognitive Neuroscience – Visual perception
SSHDigital Health, ICTs and Social Transformation | Health Psychology | media and Health
SSHTranscendental Idealism, Phenomenology, Critical Theory, Ethics
Human-Centered Design
DepartmentResearch Areas
HCDAssistive Technology
HCDAugmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Haptics, Digital Twin

Admission Categories

Regular Ph.D. – Candidates who are not holding regular work/employment and are primarily engaged in their academic program only. Those who are already employed will have to resign and submit the relieving before joining the Programme.

Sponsored Ph.D. – IIIT-Delhi allows highly motivated working professionals to pursue a Ph.D. degree while still employed at the sponsoring organization. Click here for more details.

Eligibility Criteria for IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023 (Dec)

For PhD in Computational Biology (CB)

  • Candidates must have a BTech / BE / B.Pharma / M.Pharma / MTech / MS / ME /MCA / MSc / M.B.B.S. or equivalent, to be eligible to apply. AND
  • Candidates must have a CGPA of at least 6.5 on a scale of 10 (or equivalent) or 60% (applicable for all degrees).

For PhD in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

  • BTech/ BE/ MTech/ MS/ ME in CSE/ IT/ ECE/ EE and allied areas, with a CGPA of at least 7.5 on a scale of 10 (or equivalent) or 70%. OR
  • MCA/MSc (CSE/IT/ECE/EE and allied areas) degree is considered equivalent to the BTech/BE degree. Such students are eligible to apply with a condition that they have BSc in Computer Science or BSc in any other subject with Mathematics as one of the courses. The marks requirement is same as given above. OR
  • MSc in Mathematics with at least 70% marks in both B.Sc and M.Sc or 7.5 CGPA and strong inclination towards CSE/ECE.

For PhD in Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE)

  • BTech/ BE/ MTech/ MS/ ME in CSE/ IT/ ECE/ EE and allied areas with a CGPA of at least 7.5 on a scale of 10 (or equivalent) or 70%. OR
  • MCA/MSc(CSE/IT/ECE/EE and allied areas) degree is considered equivalent to the BTech/BE degree. Such students are eligible to apply with a condition that they have BSc in Computer Science or BSc in any other subject with Mathematics as one of the courses. The marks requirement is same as given above. OR
  • MSc in Mathematics with at least 70% marks in both B.Sc and M.Sc or 7.5 CGPA and strong inclination towards CSE/ECE

For PhD in Mathematics

  • JRF from either UGC/CSIR/NBHM/DST or GATE score at least 400. AND
  • MSc (Maths)/ MSc (Physics)/ MSc(Statistics)/ MStat/ MPhil(Maths)/ BTech/ MTech/ BE / ME in CS/ ECE/ Maths & CS and similar inter-disciplinary programs with a CGPA of at least 7.5 on a scale of 10 (or equivalent) or at least 70% marks at UG and PG levels.

For PhD in Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH)

  • MA/MPhil degree in any Social Sciences, Humanities, Liberal Arts, Media and Communication or similar areas with a minimum of 55% or 7.0 CGPA on a scale of 10.
  • MSc in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Cognitive Science/Psychology or any basic sciences with at least 55% marks or 7.0 CGPA on a scale of 10.
  • BTech/ MTech or equivalent in any discipline with at least 70% marks or 7 CGPA on a scale of 10 AND/ OR MBA with at least 70% marks or 3.0 CGPA on a scale of 4.
  • MSW/ MCom with a minimum of score of 55% or 7.0 CGPA on a scale of 10.
  • Two years Full-Time Post-Graduate diploma in journalism, dig

For PhD in Human-Centered Design (HCD)

  • UG or PG Engineering degrees in CSE/ECE/Design/Architecture/ Social Science or other related disciplines (4-year duration course). OR
  • B.Des/M.Des OR
  • MBBS/MD/MPhil. OR
  • MCA OR
  • M.Sc/M.A. degree in design or computing-related disciplines.
  • The marks requirement is CGPA of at least 7.5 on a scale of 10 (or equivalent) or 70%.

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023 (Dec) Important Dates

Start Date of Online Application26th Oct 2023
Closing Date of Online Application27th Nov 2023
Shortlisting of applicants4th Dec 2023
Date of the interviewBetween 8th-18th Dec 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (CSE) Programming Test & Interview (Programming Platform: Code Drills)8th Dec 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (Mathematics) Interview11th Dec 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (ECE) Interview13th Dec 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (CB) Interview12th Dec 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (SSH) Interview08th, 11th, 12th, 13th Dec 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (HCD) Interview18th Dec 2023
Result Declaration26th Dec 2023

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023 (Dec) Application Process

  • Candidates have to apply online on the official website
  • Submit a separate application for each discipline if applying for more than one discipline.
  • After successful submission of the application form, you will receive an application number and a link to download the application form. Please save the application form.
  • Candidates need to furnish a hardcopy of the application form and self-attested copies of all the relevant documents at the time of the interview.

Application Fee

For SC/ST/ PD candidatesRs. 150/-
For other candidatesRs. 300/-

Selection Procedure

  • Admission is generally offered on the basis of an interview and/or written test, if necessary. The Institute will invite a limited number of candidates for a written test and interview based on the academic records, statement of purpose, etc. The final selection will be mainly based on academic credentials, written test and/or interview. The candidates who do not qualify in the written test need not appear for interview. The reserved category candidates will be given due relaxation in cutoff marks as per the norms.
  • The outstation candidates (non-NCR) who are shortlisted to appear for the written test/ interview, will be reimbursed their travel fare by second sleeper or public bus fare by the shortest route, whichever is cheapest. They will have to furnish the proof of travel. If a candidate decides to choose a different mode (e.g. 3AC, air, etc.), they will be only reimbursed the second sleeper or public transport bus fare by the shortest route.


ECEClick Here
CSEClick Here

Financial Support

  • Students joining the Ph.D. program as regular students will be considered for Institute Fellowship.
  • Presently institute is offering fellowship at the rate of Rs.35,000/- per month until successfully completing the comprehensive exam and Rs. 37000 per month since completing comprehensive exam until completion of the fifth year.

Additional Financial Support

  •  Support upto Rs 50k is provided towards purchase of laptop/ desktop.
  • Contingency grant of 20000 per year.

Important Links

NotificationClick Here
Application FormClick Here
IIIT Delhi WebsiteClick Here

Previous Admissions

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 (Monsoon Session)

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 (Monsoon Session) Important Dates

Start Date of Online Application20th March 2023
Last Date of Application Submission16th 23rd April 2023
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates22nd April, 2023
Conduct of PhD Interview/TestBetween 28th April 2023 to 13th May 2023 (Tentative)
Conduct of Ph.D. (ECE) Interview29th April 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (CSE) Written Test on campus (interview dates are yet to be announced.)30th April 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (CB) Written Test and/or Interview12th May 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (HCD) Written Test and/or Interview04th & 13th May 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (SSH)-Economics Interview04th May 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (SSH)-Sociology Interview12th May 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (SSH)-Philosophy, Communication, Politics and Governance (PCPG) Interview05th May 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (SSH)-Cognitive Science Interview02nd May 2023
Conduct of Ph.D. (Mathematics) Interview3rd May, 4th May, 8th May, 9th May 2023
Announcement of Results25th May 2023

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission Under ADF 2022

Important Dates

Start Date of Online Application22nd August 2022
Last Date of Application Submission18th September 2022
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates23rd September 2022
Conduct of PhD Interview (offline mode at IIITD campus)Between 1st October 2022 to 6th October 2022 (Tentative)
Announcement of Results10th October 2022

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 (Monsoon Session) Round 2

Candidates qualified for UGC/CSIR JRF, DST INSPIRE, DBT Fellowship and fresh B.Tech. graduates with research aptitude are strongly encouraged to apply. GATE score is not mandatory for some departments.

Available PhD Programs

  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
  • Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE)

Note –

  • Candidates who appeared in Round-1 CSE PhD written test / interviews are not eligible to apply for this Round-2.
  • Candidates who applied in Round-1 CSE PhD, but did not appear for the selection procedure (test/interview) are eligible to apply.

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 (Monsoon Session) Round 2 Important Dates


Start Date of Online Application (CSE)8th June 2022
Last Date of Application Submission (CSE)22nd June 2022 29th June 2022
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates (CSE)29th June 2022 6th July 2022
Conduct of PhD Interview/Test CSE (offline mode at IIITD campus)18th July 2022
Announcement of Results (CSE)20th July 2022 25th July 2022


Start Date of Online Application (ECE)17th June 2022
Last Date of Application Submission (ECE)3rd July 2022
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates (ECE)11th July 2022
Conduct of PhD Interview/Test ECE (Online)Between 15th July 2022 (Tentative)

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 (Monsoon Session)

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 (Monsoon Session) Important Dates

Start Date of Online Application4th April 2022
Last Date of Application Submission25th April 2022 
4th May 2022, Wednesday
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates6th May 2022 
9th May 2022, Monday
Conduct of PhD Interview/TestBetween 14th May 2022 to 22nd May 2022 (Tentative)
Conduct of Ph.D. (ECE) Written Test and/or Interview20th May 2022, Friday
Conduct of Ph.D. (CSE) Written Test and/or Interview16th May 2022, Monday
Conduct of Ph.D. (CB) Written Test and/or Interview14th May 2022, Saturday
Conduct of Ph.D. (HCD) Written Test and/or Interview14th May 2022, Saturday
Conduct of Ph.D. (SSH) Written Test and/or Interview20th May 2022, Friday & 23rd May 2022, Monday
Conduct of Ph.D. (Mathematics) Written Test and/or InterviewWill be announced shortly
Announcement of Results31st May 2022

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 (Monsoon Session) Results

Selected Candidates

Shortlisted Candidates

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission Dec 2021

Important Dates

Start Date of Online Application04 October 2021
Last Date of Application31 October 2021
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates 12 November 2021

IIIT Delhi PhD Admission 2021-22 (Monsoon Session)